Abstract submission

The abstract submission for the CIIRTA congress is now open!

Please read all guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract/s.

Submission deadline: 27 February 2025, 23.59 CET
Intestinal failure, Transplantation, Translational research, Allied health
Preferred presentation types:
All submitted and approved abstracts will be published in Intestinal Failure, the official journal of IIRTA, and in the congress app.

Abstract format
Title: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.Text: The abstract must be in English and should be a maximum of 200 words, excluding the title. Standard abbreviations may be used. The text should be divided into Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions. Figure/Table: You can submit ONE figure/table/image per abstract. If you have more than one figure/table please combine these into one image before uploading. The image must be JPEG or PNG.

Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles. Each author should be listed by Department, University/Hospital, City and Country.

Other information

  • Only abstracts sent in via the abstract submission portal will be reviewed.
  • Encore abstracts are permitted.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed and published as submitted. It is the submitting author’s responsibility to check for grammar and fact errors.
  • The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of and approve the content of the abstract before submission.
  • The presenting author is expected to attend the congress and present the poster or oral presentation. The presenting author must be registered for the congress.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author can submit. However, authors can only be the presenting author of two abstracts.

Abstract authors may apply for one or more awards via the abstract submission portal. Please click here for more information.

After submitting an abstract a confirmation email with an abstract ID will be sent. Please contact the secretariat if you do not receive this email. Please refer to the abstract ID in any communication with the secretariat.
Abstract acceptance letters will be sent in late April 2025.

Please click on the button below to submit your abstract

Presentation information
Instructions for preparation of oral or poster presentations will be sent together with acceptance letters. Poster instructions will also be posted on the website closer to the congress.

For questions regarding the abstract submission process, please contact the congress secretariat All about meetings at registration@allaboutmeetings.se